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Nitric oxide (NO, not nitrous oxide N2O the laughing gas) is a powerful and critically important molecule produced throughout our bodies. It acts as an antiviral and antimicrobial agent, creating super oxides that kill infection.  NO is also a vasodilator that helps expand the blood vessels in the lungs to improve oxygenation.  It also acts as an anti-thrombotic agent, preventing clotting and platelet activation in the body and during open-heart surgery.  NO is also an important messaging molecule that can regulate brain function by changing blood flow and oxygenation. 

NOTA is focused on delivering novel, low-cost, on-demand NO delivery systems for both the hospital and in-home use that augment the body's product on NO in treating and preventing a wide variety of life-threatening illnesses and conditions.  There are hundreds of ongoing clinical trials expanding the applications for this miracle molecule that are likely to reach the market in the next 5-years.


What nitric oxide (NO) does

Nitric Oxide is widely found throughout nature in both the plant and animal kingdoms.  Human evolution has resulted in our body’s production of nitric oxide (NO) as a major component of our immune systems and as a messaging molecule throughout the body. Previously known by scientists as an air pollutant, NO’s production by a wide variety of cells in our bodies was only discovered in the early 1990’s with the discovery in human physiology leading to a Nobel Prize in 1998.


Why does this small molecule play such a big and diverse role? NO’s broad range of applications can be attributed to the molecule’s high reactivity and transient nature which causes its direct action to be highly localized and yet can be stabilized as a nitrosothiol and thus able to be transported throughout the body.   As part of the immune systems it’s able to treat viral infection by inhibiting viral replication, attack microbes, affect vasodilation to decrease hypertension, and treat viral infection by inhibiting viral replication. 


Nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator, making it ideal for the treatment of hypertension.  iNO is FDA approved for treatment of neonates with pulmonary hypertension. Studies have shown that the administration of iNO during lung transplantation can prevent primary graft failure (PGF), improve oxygenation, and reduce pulmonary hypertension. Due to its antiseptic properties, iNO has been proposed as a treatment for chronic airway infections, especially in diseases like CF, sinusitis, tuberculosis, and COPD where airway infections are common. When added to the sweep gas during open heart surgery and other extracorporeal circulation [ECC] applications, as it has been shown to prevent both thrombosis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome by preventing platelet and white blood cell activation. iNO is a promising candidate for treatment across a variety of applications. 

NO roles in the body...



  • Vasodilation

  • Microvascular tone regulation

  • Leukocyte adhesion

  • Platelet aggregation/inhibition

  • Microvascular permeability

Nervous System
  • Neural protection

  • Neuronal toxicity

  • Neuronal development

  • Neurotransmission

  • Learning; Memory (LTP)

  • Nociception

Immune System

  • Innate immunity

  • Cytotoxic chemical

  • Superoxide radical quenching

  • Cellular injury protection

Respiratory System
  • Bronchial dilation

  • Pulmonary vascular reactivity

  • Alveolar-capillary membrane permeability

Urogenital System
  • Reninsecretion

  • Penile erection

  • Fertilization

  • Spermatogenesis, oogenesis, ovulation

Excretory System

  • Glomerular filtration

  • Renal vasodilation

  • Prevents renal endothelial cell dysfunction

Endocrine System
  • Posterior pituitary hormones gonadotropin hypothalamic releasing factor

NOTA's Development Pipeline & Applications

NOGEN System

(Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Newborns)

The NOGEN on-demand NO generation system will target 


NOGEN with Heart Lung Machine.jpg
NOGEN System
Open Heart Surgery

NOGEN is an electrochemical based system that provides high volume nitric oxide for use as a sweep gas during open heart surgery for the prevention of thrombosis and SIRS.

NOGEN System
Respiratory Infections

NOGEN is an electrochemical based system that provides high volume nitric oxide for use as a sweep gas during open heart surgery for the prevention of thrombosis and SIRS.

LANOR System

At Home...COPD

LANOR is a compact UV-LED based technology that converts a solid nitric oxide donor molecule using light energy.

LANOR System

Heart Attacks and Strokes

Our catheter lock solution delivers NO inside the catheter walls to prevent microbial growth and clotting in the catheter line.

For investigational use only. Products are not YET available for commercial sale

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